Holes in the Spiritual Neighborhood

  1. Establish an Intelligent Presence in the Garden Zone
  2. Fill the Leadership Gap Between Government and Neighborhood
  3. Promote Willing Cooperation and Voluntary Contribution
  4. Develop a Truly Preventive Approach to Crime
  5. Point to Refinement of Awareness as the Key to Improving the Quality of Life
  6. Develop the Natural Community in the Place Where People Live
  7. Establish Simple Trust Among Neighbors; Eliminate Anonymity
  8. Provide a Structure Through Which People Can Demonstrate Grass-Roots Responsibility
  9. Use Courtesy as an On-Ramp to the Path of Spiritual Growth
  10. Elevate the Status of Community Service; Create a New Profession

Ten Principles of Community Law

  1. Spirituality.
    Administrators at all levels, in all branches of government must be spiritually evolved.
  2. Intimacy.
    Interaction between jurists and the public takes place in a familial setting. Formalities are relaxed. Prejudicial views that favor forgiveness are encouraged. Disallow cultural determinations by lawyers. Discontinue the recording of personal data in government files.
  3. Uniqueness.
    The in-the-moment principle. Laws are adjusted case-by-case in consideration of the circumstances of the individual(s) to whom they are applied. The practice of searching for legal precedent will be abandoned, as will mandatory sentencing. Look first at the person before you look at the law.
  4. Community.
    Judicial decisions take the needs of the community into account. A sentence imposed on an individual may be served by another community member, including the jurists themselves. A buddy must always be present during any proceeding, including arrests.
  5. Money.
    The role of money in the legal process is sharply restricted; disputes over money receive lower priority. Jurists should be biased against litigants who seek an advantage using money and against lawyers who charge high rates for their services. Court costs and punitive damages are no longer assessed. Bail is no longer required.
  6. Character.
    Considerations of character are introduced such that character assessment carries equal or greater weight than factual evidence. Community Conscience Advocates will be called upon to provide accurate determinations. Assessments apply not only to defendants, but to plaintiffs, prosecutors, judges, jurors, witnesses, enforcement agents and attorneys. Character determination by a CCA is distinguished from the assessment of mental state by psychologists, which should generally be curtailed.
  7. Free Expression.
    Testimony is always regarded as truthful. Defendants are encouraged to express themselves freely and naturally without threat of punishment. This privilege applies to everyone involved in the judicial process, including judges, councilors, jurors, witnesses and observers. Perjury will no longer be recognized; oaths no longer administered.
  8. Consensus.
    When an important decision is made, there must be unanimous agreement among a community�s leaders. If a resolution proves difficult, decision makers should consider subjective methods such as Vedic astrology (Jyotish).
  9. Force.
    Coercive application of the law, with all its attendant procedures, equipment and facilities, is abandoned. Forceful methods are replaced by prevention, education and voluntary compliance.
  10. Sovereignty.
    The bottom-up principle. The decisions of local leaders always take precedence over those of higher levels of government, including the judiciary. Authentic indigenous culture must be respected in a sovereign region. Control of the land must remain with the indigenous population.

Finally, a work that resolves some of the thorniest questions in political science. Not with opinions and polemics, but with reasoned, mathematical precision and a voice that echos an authenic spiritual foundation.

Law and government in this age is in a fearful state. But there are signs that people are waking up, that a new paradigm is dawning. Bottom-up government -- culture that emerges from the grass-roots, from the consciousness of enlightened communities ... this is direction of societal evolution.

Here we have a roadmap -- a path to achieving what might seem impossible: a society free from crime, free from failure, free from emergencies and emergency consciousness.

Managing the Spiritual Neighborhood
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There is a quiet revolution going on. A new kind of thinking is taking hold and a new social order is dawning. The heroes of this revolution are not partisans or politicians. Rather, they are ordinary men and women working under the radar in cities, towns and communities everywhere. They are taking responsibility for the health and well being of their neighbors and neighborhoods, shaking the foundations of our political system,and defying conventional wisdom about the problems facing mankind. The standard approach of top-down administration and top-down control will fall by the wayside as this bottom-up movement gains momentum.

Alexander Gabis is one of the new revolutionaries. His work bridges the divide between gritty reality and lofty idealism. A masterful blend of cosmic vision, abstract argument and urban street cred, it defines a new profession — Garden Zone Management — and with the principles of "Community Law," puts forth a plan for restoring basic humanity to our legal and judicial systems. The case for change is so compelling that you'll be inspired to take up the cause yourself - to carry the revolution to your own backyard. Managing the Spiritual Neighborhood challenges the intellect and probes the soul. It revives the spirit of meaningful politics, compassionate outreach and effective activism at the grass roots of America.