Managing the Spiritual Neighborhood



-ists & -isms. See also mathematical thinking; See also thought, clear


Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk 263-271

Abundance Ecovillage 242


adding spin to 170

refinement of 199-200

responsible 143

right, spontaneous 323

al-Awlaki, Anwar 265-270

Amish 258, 466

amorality 16, 22, 43, 135, 171, 177, 428

ananda (bliss) 234

Andrews Air Force Base 29, 178, 221

anonymity 45, 57, 199, 321, 369

overcoming 160, 214, 250, 282-283, 437

anti-culture 130, 271, 411. See also culture

Arjuna 334, 468

Atirudrabhishek yagya 322

atma 234, 312. See also self

attention x, 45, 53, 59, 165, 331, 339, 425

poverty of 75, 87

turning inward 97, 108, 133, 203, 273, 304

vs. intention 172

attention deficit 46, 50, 65, 104, 135, 179

aura 36, 174, 186

auspiciousness 306, 322, 326, 490. See also fortune (& misfortune)

Austen, Jane 256

awareness ix, 15-17, 203, 296, 301

collective 5, 20, 46, 94-95, 216, 309

grass roots 20, 75

infinite, experience of 136-138

non-action 143

refinement of 93, 107, 313

self-referring 274, 309

shared spirit 155-156

ayurveda 311, 337, 471



criminal 95, 100-102

juvenile 35-36, 100-102, 106, 357. See also character : growth of

Berry, Wendell 154

Bhagavad Gita 138, 187, 253, 300, 334, 340, 401

big bang theory 132, 137, 158, 305, 332

big 'G' Government 230, 236-237, 344, 360-362, 368, 407. See also government: conventional

Blake, William 134

block captain 46, 60, 164

body language 35, 36, 124, 291

bottom-up government. See government: bottom-up

boundaryitis 63, 65

brahma 312

Bronte, Charlotte 340

buddy system 396

bullying 196-199, 213, 258-259

Bush, George W. xii


CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) 261, 389, 431, 449, 450

Camp Springs 26-30, 129, 210, 249

courtesy 35

homeless in 70, 82, 208

Capote, Truman 271

causality 235, 301

CCA (Community Conscience Advocate) 251, 258-260, 363, 398-399, 416

character 104, 192, 398-403

& community 446

growth of 107-109, 162

Chesapeake Bay 116

chhandas 298

Chopra, Deepak 252, 311, 337

Christianity 168, 177-182, 255, 307


Camp Springs 177-182

civilization 91, 158, 359, 403, 474

clear thinking. See thought, clear


action plan 467-469

as garden zone managers 176-177, 187

Clinton, Bill 20

coercion. See force

cognition x, 149, 168, 256, 295, 360, 393, 460, 462, 491

vs. suggestion 306-309, 327, 346, 490

collective awareness. See awareness: collective; See also shared spirit

commerce clause (U.S. Constitution) 449

Communitarians 154

community x, 94, 174, 435, 447

geographic 147-148, 217, 381

intentional 382, 442-445, 487

livable 385

natural 147, 157, 219, 254, 348

sense of 5, 145, 309

shared interest 149-152, 240

shared spirit 152-156, 302

community law 363, 393-417

community patrol 46, 60, 70, 165-166, 172, 174, 423, 424

community service 167, 175-176, 179, 286, 375

community supported agriculture 220

conflict (& consensus) 127, 177, 406-408, 467-468

connected green space. See green space

consciousness 5, 142, 229, 254. See also awareness

pure vii, 312-314, 335

states of 139, 203, 309

transcendental 203

cost of living 391, 438-441

courtesy ix, 6, 21-23, 125, 174, 294, 361, 468

& clear thinking 16-17

decline of 25, 42, 190

neighborhood 15, 31-43, 360

physical 108, 144. See also body language

& spin 170-171, 217. See also intention

vs. morality 22, 111, 428

courtesy reduction 159, 209

crime 224, 263, 272-273, 388

juvenile 53-59, 100, 102

Prince George's County 115

Westchester Estates 27-28

culture 130-131, 173, 190, 410-411, 420, 435, 456, 457

vs. legality 245-246, 491, 494-495


dark energy 140, 142

debt 344, 350, 436-437, 476-477

Declaration of Independence 99

delinquency, juvenile 53-59, 106-107, 221, 357-358

detachment 135, 202, 341

deva 296-297

development 210, 356, 438, 442, 452, 454-457, 459, 462-464, 470

dharma 467

dialectic (of Plato) 18

discretion 418, 493, 500

discrimination 410, 427, 446, 447

Dostoevsky, Fyodor 153


ecology, community 280-283, 451, 453

economy 169, 223, 230, 252, 261, 344-348, 451, 470-471, 475-477

economic equilibrium 438-441

education 117, 282

& awareness 19

decision making 204

fact based vs. non 93, 98, 235

public 189

Einstein, Albert 295

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 21, 62, 153

enlightenment 94, 308, 333, 347

ethics 22, 248

Etzioni, Amitai 154

existence, levels of 19

experience ix, 111, 131-132, 134, 314

vs. intellect 98, 168-169, 255


Fairfield Arts and Convention Center 349, 470

Fairfield Economic Development Association 438

Fairfield Iowa 229, 240, 262, 385, 390, 438, 470

fear 46-47, 60-61, 80, 247-248

force (in governing) xiv, 201, 236-237, 266, 366-369

alternative to 67, 123-125, 408-409, 430, 435-436, 467-469

fortune (& misfortune) 232, 301, 312-313, 347. See also jyotish; See also karma

free will 275, 312


gandharva 323

gap, the 304

gardening 62, 117-118, 131, 219-222, 441-442

garden zone vii, ix, 9-10, 222, 280, 446

intelligent presence in 116, 424

respect for 12, 21, 119, 387

transfer of qualities from 11, 94, 160

garden zone management xix, 119, 123, 131, 143-144, 187, 198, 207, 285, 360, 363, 419

as a profession 175-176, 179, 431

clergy as managers 176, 468

Gates, Robert 321

gay rights 491-493

gimmickry 169, 170-174, 180

Global Country of World Peace 232-236, 319-321, 348, 378, 386

globalization 243, 269, 290, 408, 472-473

GMO (genetically modified organism) 389, 431, 474


alternative xviii, 120-121, 335, 382

bottom-up iii, 21, 224, 238, 258, 363, 409, 440, 449, 468

conventional 236, 406, 479. See also big 'G' Government

disconnect of 121, 228, 241-242, 354

formalities 244-245, 286, 291, 348, 379-380

intimacy 163, 377-380, 394, 430

leadership gap, filling 118, 175-176, 246

moral xviii

punitive 229, 257, 267, 321, 368

self 235

spirituality in 254, 393. See also law: church-state separation

Greene, Brian 137

green space 281, 436-437, 451-452


Hagelin, John 142, 237, 298, 328, 336-338

Hasan, Nidal M. 263-271

heart 107, 255, 298

absence of v, 75, 114, 249, 299

Holocaust, the 128, 239

homelessness 70, 83, 87, 208, 253

Home Security Survey 46, 164

hope 340-341. See also detachment

human nature 92, 162


individualism 200

industrialization 154, 351, 356, 388-389, 453, 473-474, 481

infinite, the 144, 158, 171, 182

experience of 131-138, 169, 402, 474

inner realm x, 97, 108, 135, 171, 298

intellect 4, 98, 131, 141, 420-421

limitations of 234, 256, 313, 338, 474

mistake of. See pragyaparadh

vs. experience 18, 168, 200, 297

intellectual property 398

intention 171-174, 231, 275, 302, 311-313, 317, 322, 404. See also spin

intentional community. See community: intentional

Invincible America Assembly 246, 274, 320, 342

isolation 120, 122, 153, 163, 228. See also anonymity


Jesus. See Christianity

JFAN (Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors) 248, 261, 377, 389

judgmentalism 135, 323, 394, 407, 421, 447. See also amorality

justice 2, 254, 259-260, 272, 350, 368, 393, 396-400, 404-406, 412, 419

criminal 95-97, 255, 263

juvenile 51, 104

juvenile crime. See crime: juvenile

jyotish 308, 310, 314, 407


Kaku, Michio 140

karma 313, 326, 347

Kogi 92

Krauss, Lawrence 140-141, 401, 474

Krishna 334, 341

KRUU 273, 288, 387, 475


Ladakh 462

land 424, 433. See also property

development 442-444, 451. See also green space

ownership 283, 443

reform 448-451


neighborhood 62-71, 211-212, 452-454, 459

language 1-3, 98, 145. See also clear thinking

law 102, 119-121, 151, 244, 254-255, 259, 282, 336-338, 428, 479. See also community law

church-state separation 176, 495. See also culture: vs. legality; See also government: spirituality in

limitations of 52, 163

natural. See natural law

righteousness 96, 257, 272, 289, 368, 447

spirit of 449

law enforcement 59-61, 125-126, 237-240, 277, 321-322, 366, 369, 408

Lee, Harper 419

legalists 244, 265, 288, 354, 375, 400, 466

logic . See clear thinking

loitering, garden zone 213-216, 302


Mahalakshmi 298

Maharishi Effect 317-319, 346. See also super radiance

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 138, 172, 203, 229, 232-236, 252, 278, 297, 299-300, 304, 311, 334-335, 340-341

Maharishi Sthapatya Ved (MSV). See sthapatya veda

Maharishi Vedic City 328-329, 497

Manhattan Project xi, 401-404

mathematical thinking xvii, 145, 155

defining terms 1-3

outside-in vs. inside-out viii, 256, 269

McTaggart, Lynne 172

Meditation, Transcendental. See TM - Transcendental Meditation

Meissner effect 274

Merton, Thomas 98-99

metaphysics 6, 99, 115, 222, 331

Mill, John Stuart 152

mind 3, 18, 76, 98-99, 141, 230

& body x, 79, 109, 170, 183-184, 337, 426

established in awareness 138

minding your own business 60, 161, 246, 317. See also anonymity

morality ix, 93, 126, 141, 146, 151, 200, 313, 336, 420-421. See also amorality

quagmire of 22, 255, 421, 467

vs. natural law 151, 336

Mullen, Mike 321

MUM (Maharishi University of Management) 229, 231, 262, 278-280, 313, 326, 328, 365, 438, 476


Nader, Tony 141, 303, 305

natural community. See community: natural

natural law 99, 151, 275, 305-306, 323, 334-338, 342, 346

Natural Law Party 241

negativity 30, 127-128, 164, 227, 339, 379. See also subjectivity

repelling 274

neighborhood alert 59, 74

neighborhood watch 46, 50-51, 68-70, 164-166, 170, 214, 247, 424

Norberg-Hodge, Helena 462

Nosy Neighbor 165


Obama, Barack 256, 257, 264-265, 267, 288, 289, 494

objectivity 127, 131-132, 256, 394, 407

in science 141-142, 323-324, 337, 403

Operation ID 165

Oppenheimer, Robert xi, xiii, 401


pandit. See Vedic pandit, Maharishi

paradigm shift xxi, 126, 245, 292, 350, 380-381, 394, 396, 405, 428, 443, 454, 460, 464-466, 468, 472, 479, 481

passion 200

juvenile 195

patrol. See community patrol

Peck, M. Scott 153

permaculture 281, 442, 476

Plato 18, 157, 168

police 51, 59, 125-127, 238, 359-360, 366, 369-370, 387, 466

as neighbors 59

as spiritual warriors 186-187

politics ii, 96, 127, 228, 241-245, 380-381, 406

positive reinforcement 169-171, 320

Powell, Colin 180

pragyaparadh 338, 341

prevention ix, 67-68, 92-93, 197, 261, 400, 464. See also education

& crime 162-166, 219, 263, 269-273

& subjectivity 126-129

vs. reaction 12-15, 96, 115, 299-300

preventive mind-set 12-14, 95, 130, 224

Prince George's County 29, 68, 121, 210, 390

crime 115

police 26, 60, 125, 164

schools 30, 190, 201

social services 83-84

property 459. See also land

maintenance 211, 213, 285

ownership 283, 436-437, 443-444, 446-449, 476-477

residential, desirable 434-435

punishment 96, 240, 254, 258, 370-377, 396, 398, 408


quality of life ix, 28, 91, 109, 129, 130, 157, 186, 286

core factors 7-14

in Fairfield 238, 240, 353, 386-391

quality of life committee 67, 210, 225, 250, 382, 428-429

quantum mechanics 132, 140, 331, 352

quietness 7, 210, 355-362, 387, 429, 432-433, 435

respect for the garden zone. See garden zone: respect for


racism 30, 36, 42

radicalization 269

reaction 12, 37, 52, 96, 97, 159, 214, 264-265, 320, 322, 368, 387. See also prevention: vs. reaction; See also vengeance

reality 76, 131-132, 142, 230, 332, 405

extensions of 80-81, 127, 330

structure of 19, 98, 111. See also universe: three-fold structure

religion xx, 99, 112, 176-177, 254

agreement among 181-185, 256, 468-469

renting 213, 285, 359, 425, 437, 446

responsibility x, 94, 130, 154, 156, 166, 246-248, 254-255, 263, 463-466

action, non-action & the quality of life 143

& clear thinking 15-16, 93, 229

revenge. See vengeance

richa (Vedic) 303, 306, 309, 315

Rig Veda 142, 303, 305, 312

ritual 174, 192, 204-205, 274-275, 322, 333-334. See also yagya

gardening as 218-219


Sagan, Carl 141, 402, 474

samadhi 138, 203

samhita (of knower, knowing, known) x, 303, 339

schizophrenia 76-77

Schneider, Robert H. 335

self 2, 17, 76, 183, 234, 324, 407. See also atma

big 'S' vs. little 's' xiv

infinite nature of 136-138, 331

self development 20, 99. See also spiritual growth

self referral 133, 139, 235, 274, 339

self-sufficiency 122, 222-225, 270, 381, 449, 469-474

spiritual 224, 462

Shakespeare, William 134

shared space 409, 454

shared spirit xviii, 146, 152-156, 158, 219, 309, 410. See awareness: collective; See also community: shared spirit

Shiva (& Vishnu) 297

silence & dynamism 111, 297-298, 317

social safety net 208

Solomon, King 105, 408

soul 62, 98, 161, 174, 248, 339

sovereignty 381, 409-412, 449

spin x, 170-171, 217, 274. See also intention

& rituals 172, 204

spiritual growth x, 99, 111-112, 131, 135, 169, 203

spirituality x, xx, 110-111, 140, 177, 235, 386-387, 393

czar 417, 425

spiritual neighborhood 116, 156

sthapatya veda 234, 326-330, 347, 476. See also vastu building design

string theory 132, 137, 275, 298-299, 337

subjectivity x, 76, 127-129, 133-137, 155-156, 166, 311-312, 323, 324, 352, 407. See also self referral

superconductivity 171, 274-275

super radiance 325, 330, 342, 346. See also Maharishi Effect

support of nature 311-312, 347

survivalism 70, 224


Tao Te Ching 133, 134, 187, 204

taxes 391, 409, 436, 480

reducing 438-440

Thoreau, Henry David 280

thought ii, 45, 110, 126, 133-134, 136-139, 149, 150, 199, 229-230, 302, 474

gap between 304-305

thought, clear i, xi-xv, 15-16, 229, 324, 333. See also mathematical thinking

-ists & -isms 256. See also mathematical thinking: outside-in vs. inside-out

& subjectivity 269, 407

timelessness. See infinite, the: experience of

Tinkers Creek 116, 221, 281, 297

TM-Sidhi 171, 274, 293, 317, 325, 328

TM - Transcendental Meditation vii, 138, 172, 203, 233, 237, 252, 300-302, 334

top-down government 208, 230, 406, 464. See also big 'G' Government

toxoplasmosis 80, 499

transcendence & the transcendent 139, 300-301, 303-306, 328

trust 162, 166, 205, 288, 321, 363, 463-464

truth (& fantasy) x-xi, 81, 99, 360, 405


universe 141-142, 229-230, 234, 331-332, 403

constitution of 305, 309, 335

personal 98, 136-139, 156, 298

three-fold structure x, 303. See samhita (of knower, knowing, known)

Upanishads 168

urban development 221, 281, 387-388, 412, 444-445, 453-454, 455, 462, 470. See also industrialization


vastu building design 310, 326-330, 347, 348, 386, 460, 476, 497

Veda 138, 234, 303, 305, 310, 314-316, 334

Vedic astrology. See jyotish

Vedic literature 234, 274, 300, 304-306

Vedic pandit, Maharishi 274-275, 292-295, 300-303, 309, 322, 345, 365

Vedic science 252, 301, 311-316, 331, 345-349

vengeance 60, 102, 265, 368

verifying technique. See wishing/verifying

Veteran's Administration (VA) 494

Vishnu (& Shiva) 297-298

volunteering 180, 287, 293-294, 365

vrittis of atma 142-143


Wallace, R. Keith 332, 334, 339

Warm Nights 82

Westchester Estates 25-31, 37, 97, 115, 129, 210

crime 26, 29, 53-59, 61

Westchester Watch 46, 59, 70, 121, 249. See also neighborhood watch

Wikileaks 321

wishing technique. See wishing/verifying

wishing/verifying 311-313, 317, 319-320, 322-323, 329-330, 345, 379, 382, 432

World War II 13, 158


yagya 232, 293, 296, 298-299, 301-303, 315, 317, 333-334

yoga 138, 274

yogic flying 276, 317